On Politics...

Sometimes I wish I could create my own political party.  I just don't feel like my beliefs fit wholly into one or the other, or any of the offshoots either. Honestly, most Facebook rants leave my skin crawling and feeling really gross about how we can allow ourselves to treat one another.  For whatever reason politics seems to be the one topic that gives people permission to be complete moronic, Bible-thumping or bashing, unsympathetic, judgmental, arrogant, condescending, "a-holes" (sorry sensitive readers, but it is true).  Don't get me wrong, I think it is a beautiful thing when someone sees something that is wrong and fervently strives to make it right, but only when it is in the name of love.  So much hate spews from mouths of people who say they are doing things in the name of God, and yet, compassion, empathy, kindness...none of it is there.  The same is true on the other side: people that pretend to tolerate all other people, that for some reason cannot tolerate one particular group and spew just as much hate for people that may be more like them than they think.  So here I am, caught between two groups that are really pretty disgusting to me.  I want to believe that every politician has embraced their platform for personal, passionate reasons, but, unfortunately, I think most of them...just want to win.  They will trick us into thinking they want to better this world, and maybe they have even tricked themselves into thinking this is what they are aiming for, when they are simply playing into a political puppet show.  Anyway, I will vote, although I will only be sharing my choice with those of you who really want to know, because I know what will follow on here: judgement - comments masked by the anonymity of the internet.  Crazy to me that people afraid to say "boo" in public can write two paragraph updates slamming another party on Facebook.  Why can't we just grow up and be adults?  It's not red team versus blue team on the playground anymore people!  Can't we all agree that there are people that need us, things that need to be improved: people are begging for better lives, an educational system is begging for attention, our economy is begging for relief, and none of this can be accomplished by hateful rhetoric?!  It seems I have an energetic two-year-old begging for my attention at the moment :) so I will bid adieu, but I simply had to do some spewing of my own. 


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