An Ode to Mommies
Who constantly wishes she could drown out the cries with some booze?
Who tackles the day wearing sweats and poop stained house shoes?
The wonderful, ever so classy, stay-at-home-mom, that's who.
Who takes 20 minutes to load the coffee machine and has only the chance to drink half of a cup?
Who trips over buzz lightyear whom was never picked up?
Who stealthily dodges projectile poops and spit-up?
The cunning, ever so quick, stay-at-home mommy, that's who.
Who takes on the guilt for non-sleeping babies, for screamers, and for bored little toddlers?
Who works all day with no product to see?
Whose house is just as dirty as it was at 7:30
Hey there. That would be me...
Who converses with dinosaurs, alligators, and bears?
Who scrapes oatmeal off of little plastic chairs?
Who helps tiny ones up and down the stairs?
Yep, still's me, mommy dear.
Who gets the brunt of every tantrum?
Who works for smiles and sometimes doesn't even get them?
Who wishes for a robotic vacuum?
The ever under appreciated, stay-at home mom.
Then there are days when the smiles add up
When toddlers are kind and babies don't spit up
When husbands come home to houses so clean
And wives who have showered and are finally wearing some jeans
The miraculous days when what feels like days of effort unnoticed unfold into gratitude, to accomplishment, to purpose
When giving up years of the career that you love seem so much more than worth it
Well, sorry to say, today's not that day, but still I wouldn't trade it. Not for suits, or money, or unstained clothing
Not for houses that are spotless day in and day out, not for the chance to see an entire movie at one sitting, not for a raving performance review, or the chance to look pretty...
Even though often more thankless than not, being a mom is the best job I ever got.
So whether I get a "a good job" or none, I'll stick with it and love it until I am done
Because I just know that the day will come, as I sit in my office, clothing and make-up perfect,
That I miss my old frantic life, taking care of my kids...I have a feeling I'll miss it, the chaos and the mess
As in each of those are the giggles and hugs, the things that I live for and I'll miss them, I bet.
So here is to poopy diapers, to foul smelling sweaters! To pants that won't zip, screaming babies and toddlers! I'll breathe it all in because as fast as I breathe out, they'll be all grown up...and I'll miss it, no doubt.