Frozen Moment

Tallulah likes to fall asleep in my arms and one of her favorite places is in front of the large mirror in our hallway.  Most nights I sing to her and think about how much I am failing by rocking her and not training her to fall asleep on her own, which I admit, I really must do, but tonight I just decided to hold onto the moment, to really live in it and through it.  The sun came pouring in through the bathroom window and I knew that in just a few moments it would be gone, the moment would be over, she will be crawling, walking, talking, dating, married.... It would be over soon, but while it lasted, I sang what I believe song was meant to be: no rhymes, no tune, no real beauty in the melody, but words that reflected my I loved her, how I want her to know love, and know how to love.  I wrapped my arms around that moment with my baby girl, knowing that just as quickly as the sun left our backs, she would be too big to hold in my arms.  Love is so funny: to have it fully we must ache a bit, simply knowing how enormous and fleeting, and fragile this life is.  Just as I took the picture, the sun hid, but that moment will be found in my heart forever.  


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