All Will Be Well...Maybe?

As predicted, this post is not quite timely.  Life has been busy.  My sister-in-law, who also happens to be one of my closest friends, got married to a crazy (yet strangely likeable) Frenchman, my brother gets married in a week, and it has all been lots of fun.  Busy, but fun :). My other sister-in-law, also an amazing friend (how did I get so lucky with all of that?) and I baked the cake for previously mentioned SIL's wedding, which makes it my very first wedding cake accomplished.  I won't mention how it almost was a disaster, but will instead focus on the end product, which was just fine :)

If I were to focus on the past few weeks, I would say everything is great, and it is.  However, if I were to focus on yesterday, I would tell you everything is crap.  It was one of those days.  For some personal reasons, I can't be a total open book on everything, but I can say that I have been dealing with some stuff.  Lots of stuff that I just have to wait on to find out how it will all resolve.  I can say that in addition to the "personal" stuff, I got a call from the realtor saying our showing was canceled, and we talked to our association board who once again, turned us down to be able to rent our place out.  Oh, and on top of all of this, Hayes fell down the stairs.  The whole, "peace be still" advice is wonderful, only, I have a very difficult time following it.  Let go and just let things happen?  Not be prepared for every detail of my life? what?!  I mean, do you ever just feel like you are in a life limbo and want to strangle someone to tell you if it will all work out or not? With these aggressive thoughts ruminating, I decided I should listen to The Gabe Dixon Band's song, All Will Be Well.  It hasn't erased all fears and the "stuck" feeling lingers, but for those few moments, I could feel God speaking that despite the outcome, any outcome, something good will come of it.  So I guess I don't have to trust that all will be as I hope, but, rather, all will be well...somehow, in the end.

So there you go:  Just some thoughts of mine that may meet some thoughts of yours.  Maybe they can hold hands, go for a stroll, and inspire some more accomplished thoughts to join them along the way.


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