My Techie Toddler

Source: None via Fabutineuse on Pinterest

Technology is infiltrating my baby.  I know the research on T.V. and infants - so I was very purposeful that he not be allowed to watch it at all.  I was very, very adamant, until about the 4th week.  I know, I know.  I caved.  But he loved Baby Einstein, and yes, I know the research on that too.  It is actually better, developmentally, for your child to watch a regular television show with real people talking, than to watch Baby Einstein.  It all makes sense, and I believe in it, buuuut, I also need about a half hour a day to talk a shower, clean the kitchen, and let's just be honest, have a moment's peace!  For those of you that stuck to your guns, I commend you.  I may not believe you entirely, but I commend you.  Good job.  You've done well...because, your son doesn't think the framed picture of him is the ipad, is reason enough.  By this I mean, last night, I put Hayes' new picture in a frame and set it out in the family room.  He freaked out; started pushing on it, moving his finger around the glass, and got SO frustrated that it wasn't doing something!  Aaron and I tried to figure out this odd behavior, and then, "ding"!, the background on our ipad is the very same picture.  He thought the framed picture was in fact, the ipad, and it was not doing what it was supposed to.  I don't know whether to be proud of him for being so smart, or to be ashamed that my child can't handle a photographic image that does use touch screen technology. 


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