Waiting on You...

Source: google.com via Shannon on Pinterest

Have you ever noticed that people have a funny way of saying normal things that just end up being really confusing and slightly insulting at times?  For example, when out to dinner with friends, years ago, a server asked us, "Would you like keep change?".  Our minds were reeling: "does she mean, that WE want change or that she KEEPS the change?".  Very confusing.  Another time at a restaurant, with the same friends, I think, a manager comes to our table to ask if we are enjoying our meal.  We say "yes", and she says, "keep enjoying" and walks away.  It was just sort of awkward.  Like we didn't have a choice.  Enjoy or else.  Then as I'm checking out at Woodman's the other day, a line of people waiting behind me, as I am buying a 12 pack of Leinenkugel's Fireside Nut Brown Ale (yummy), the cashier says something very peculiar and rather annoying.  First of all, you have to know that I am feeling like the world's worst mother right now.  My 14-month-old who is with me as I buy beer, has been pointing at wine asking "what's that", to which I gave an honest answer, "Baby, that is wine".  I don't think the other patrons thought it prudent to expand a toddler's alcohol vocabulary.  Hayes also does this new thing; well, he says "ow" for really any minor irritation or frustration.  After an hour of grocery shopping, his little baby frustration meter is red lining and being buckled into a metal cart is none-so-pleasing anymore.  Even the motorized carts are no longer amusing him (he does his "vroom" noise whenever he sees them, which can be a bit embarrassing).  So, my bored and uncomfortable little son starts shouting, "OW! OW! OW!".  I try distracting him with my wallet.  "OW! OW! OOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!"  So now I am the mom buying beer with my child, who, as it appears, is hurting her child.  I pull him out of the cart (always a last resort as we often end up with a back arching fit).  Except this isn't so easy either, because he has giant snowboots on (the only thing I could find as we're running out the door).  I try to pull him out, but "bang, bang", his feet keep getting stuck on the small leg holes.  I have to take the boots off of his feet before I can actually pull his legs through.  By then, his frustration has catapulted into all out hostility.  We approach the check-out.  I grab my wallet from him, and try to pull out my card.  He starts going for the card.  I take it from him.  He screams "OOOOWWW!".  I swipe the card and try to enter my pin. He swipes at the buttons on the machine.  I try distracting him, which is distracting me, and apparently I have more buttons to push.  The cashier says loudly, "I'm still waiting on you".  "Sorry". I push the buttons.  "Owwww".  Receipt and retreat.  Maybe this is what I have to accept, or at least those of you in line behind me do...  There will be many years ahead where you will be waiting on me, because I am "waiting on" a child..  I'm ok with that, because I know he's worth it, even when he's making me out to be an abuser, and I guess I don't really care if that means I make some of you wait longer.  Keep Waiting...


Can we go back to the days when life was filled with the Fisher Price cash register?

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