There is a song written by Jon Foreman, titled,
In My Arms. I listened to it for the first time on my drive to work one morning, a couple years ago. Have you ever met a moment? Where the scenery, the music, the mood, everything...is just right, you know, just as it should be? As if this moment had been waiting to meet you your whole life? As I was driving down the country roads, listening to this song, I shook hands with the desire to have a child. When the chorus began, "I long to hold you in you in my arms, wide awake, in my arms", I was already sobbing. I was a bit surprised by how suddenly I was overcome with the need to create, meet, and hold this person. Up until this point I had been more than overwhelmed at the thought of having a child. Let's be honest - anyone who is a bit apprehensive about that step, is terrified by the big big life altering change of a child. Johnson and Johnson commercials don't help at all either. The last thing you want to hear when you are freaked about taking that next leap is "Having a baby changes everything". How does that do anything for selling their product really? If anything it scares people so much, they decide to wait longer to have a baby and then a whole potential market is gone. I digress. My point is, that things like this are frightening to the childless - and then, something, in my case, I believe it was God, tugs at your heart and says, "there is someone I'd like you to meet". Once you have that baby, you realize that yes, everything has changed, but what they forgot to tell you is that it changes for the better. True, not as many nights are spent out on the town, but what you didn't know, is that cuddling with your baby gives you a high that no amount of socializing or drinks can come close to. All of this is to introduce the fact that my baby, my life altering event, has been here for over a year now. We celebrated his first birthday last Saturday, and I am astonished by it all. Astonished that I could love someone so much, that I ever could have lived without him, and that he is already a year old! I still cry when I listen to that song - and if I can get Hayes to hold still long enough to hold him, I listen to this song and I thank God over and over for giving me that tug, and then giving me the child that absolutely turned my life upside down...for the better..."my ocean and me".