Weird Thoughts on Cars

I have no idea why I am sharing, but as I was driving yesterday, and having some strange thoughts (you'll see), I figured: "I should write about this on my blog".  Ok, so I am warning you, this is probably the dumbest blog you will ever read, but here we go.  Ever since I was a kid, I have thought that cars look like people.  The headlights look like eyes, bumper mouth, head ornament nose, you get the picture.  VW Beatles have always looked like fat toddlers, semi's like my horrible mean gym teacher from Froberg, and mini-vans like middle aged men.  I told you this was weird.  It's almost like making something out of clouds, except not all.  Anywho, you should try it sometime.  It is freaky how dead on some cars are to people you know.  Another thing about cars/driving: I am convinced that before I die I will see a car that is being driven by no-one.  You can't tell me that you've never been driving along, looked to your left and felt your heart leap in excitement "no one is driving the car! It's a miracle!".  And then, bummer of bummers, you realize they are just short, or grabbing something off the floor, or driving gangster.  It's not that I actually think it's possible for a car to drive itself, I just think it would be really really cool.  And that wraps up Callie's weird thoughts of the day...


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